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Rural tourism in Molló for the Espinavell Mulats selection

What are the Mulats?


The Mulats are a breed of horses typical of the Ripollès area. They are robust, strong, and were traditionally used for working in the fields, etc. Farmers breed them to later sell them at the annual fair in Espinavell.


Very close to our rural house, in the Catalan Pyrenees, is Espinavell, a charming village that belongs to the same municipality as Molló.


In this town, every October 13th is a day of celebration and involves the participation of many farmers from the area.


When the summer temperature starts to rise, farmers take their horses up to the mountains of the Catalan Pyrenees, where they remain until October 11th or 12th. During these days, the farmers traverse the mountains to gather the animals and bring them to the municipality’s fair. Many farmers take a couple of days on the journey. It’s a hiking route that can be done and is undoubtedly a highly recommended unique rural experience.


Our rural house for 8 people is located just 5 kilometers by car from this municipality. Enjoy the tranquility of not having to wake up early to experience this special event.


To enjoy a good experience, here are 5 recommendations:

  1. Arrive at the municipality of Espinavell at 8 in the morning. Parking is limited and they close the gates very early. Later on, you would have to access through the shuttle bus).
  2. 2- Bring your folding chair and choose a good spot. (The animals usually come down between 10 and 11 in the morning).
  3. Stroll through the fair, where you can purchase quality local products.
  4. Have breakfast at the fair.
  5. If you enjoy hiking, climb up to the top of the mountain to see exclusively how the farmers work to gather the livestock. Something spectacular.

Obviously, the fair has a great media impact, and it’s not a good day to eat out. In my opinion, the best thing is to return to the rural house and have a quiet meal, rest, and possibly around 4 p.m. return to Espinavell to see how they load the offspring sold at the fair onto the trucks.

Image by C G S (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED)

Rural tourism in Molló for the Espinavell Mulats selection

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